Ludzie wyjdą na ulice [People will take to the streets] is the title of a poem by Krzysztof Jaworski, which I heard in 2015, recited by the author at a literary festival. It is the poem’s title, and at the same time its entire content, because the text consists of forty-two lines with the same wording repeated in every line – “people will take to the streets”. The piece inspired me to search for visuals, which eventually focused on contemporary housing architecture in Poland. Buildings erected just before the political transformation and a decade or two since only seemingly liberated themselves from the total character of large-panel housing estates. The project is not finished because I have not yet found the equivalents to all forty-two lines of text.

Kraków, ul. Wielicka 31.07.2020
Kraków, al. Pokoju 27.07.2020
Kraków, ul. Balicka 12.12.2020
Kraków, ul. Balicka 12.12.2020
Kraków, Centrum E housing estate, 20.12.2020
Kraków, ul. Mogilska 20.08.2020
Tychy, ul. Romana Dmowskiego 3.08.2020